About our school

Our school motto is ‘a community learning together’ and our school values are Respect, Persistence and Success. We understand that the education of children is a shared responsibility between ourselves, children and parents. Parent involvement in programs, volunteering and decision making is encouraged and welcomed. We have a strong and vibrant Governing Council committed to further improving the school and various sub committees such as; OSHC, Preschool, Finance, Reconciliation Action and Fundraising.

Student voice and student agency are highly regarded by all staff at Ridgehaven, and are actioned through our Student Representative Council (SRC) and through goal setting and decision making processes in every classroom.

Ridgehaven has a strong focus and a rich tradition in providing our students with opportunities in Physical Education. We are involved in a number of different sporting carnivals and clinics through SA School Sports, which many students participate in throughout their primary school years.

Ridgehaven staff value and actively promote the social and emotional wellbeing of our students and we offer programmes such as ‘What’s The Buzz’ to ensure that every child can be successful in the school and preschool environment.

Teaching and learning requires recognition that successful education needs to provide a set of fundamental skills that are transferable and adaptable to whatever the future holds. In order to learn how to learn, children need to be provided with a solid foundation of skill acquisition and to develop a range of thinking and research abilities. As educators, we aim to provide learning environments that offer lots of practice in how to make decisions, initiate ideas, persist, find out, try again, take risks, explore and research in a range of ways that relate to children’s own interests.

Staff are committed to knowing the learning and social needs of each student and using this knowledge to plan and implement experiences which cater for their individual needs. This is further highlighted in our Site Improvement Plan 2022 – 2024.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the school for more information or a personal meeting or tour. We would welcome the opportunity to show you what Ridgehaven has to offer.

Current enrolments

Our School currently has 213 enrolled students

Our values

Respect            Respect for self, others, and the environment.

      • Practising  self-care
      • Following the Golden Rule “treat others as you would like them to treat you’
      • Acting in a sustainable manner


Persistence     Persisting through challenges and trying again and again while learning.

      • Setting goals that are measurable, meaningful, and purposeful
      • Focusing on effort
      • Having a growth mindset


Success            Starting with goals and persisting creates a space for powerful learning.

      • Setting learning intentions and having success criteria
      • Reflecting on the learning journey
      • Aiming for successful outcomes for all